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Şatellites (Israël)
+ Aghiad
Groove Rock Oriental
Vendredi 17 novembre 2023 à 20h30
Concert annulé

Nous sommes contraints et au regret d'annuler cette soirée et espérons pouvoir la reporter à une date ultérieure. Voici le communiqué du groupe :

"It’s with great sadness that we have to indefinitely postpone our upcoming gigs in France due to safety concerns. Despite the great pain, fear and horror that has been surrounding us in the past few weeks, we were looking forward to these performances as we saw them as a way to reconnect with normality and spread joy through our music. When it comes to our gigs, we wish for everyone to feel as safe and comfortable as they possibly can, as we believe that this is the only way for people to truly enjoy themselves and our music. However, due to the current geopolitical situation and the subsequent rise in antisemitic attacks, we fear for everyone's safety should we go ahead with the tour as planned. As we believe that the safety of our fans, venue staff, crew and everyone else working with us is paramount, we have come to the difficult decision to postpone the tour indefinitely until the situation has improved. We thank you for your support and your understanding during these tough times. We will be back on stage as soon as it is safe to do so. Take care and see you soon." Şatellites

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